Love Loud 2024: March 10, 2024

This year LOVE LOUD will take the place of our normal Sunday morning gatherings. We'll meet in the Worship Center at 9:30AM Sunday, March 10, for a very brief time of worship and encouragement and then we'll head out to our LOVE LOUD projects. At noon, we will all meet back in the Fellowship Hall for lunch and a chance to hear reports from the various teams.

Your Connect Group may already have a LOVE LOUD project in mind. If not, look over the following mission opportunities and pray about where God can use you to LOVE LOUD in our community. Sign up at the back table of the Worship Center and get ready to LOVE LOUD through your serving.

LOVE LOUD Opportunities

Stay & Play

Location: KidZone

Volunteer in the Kids Ministry & Nursery so that more families can participate in LOVE LOUD. Child care will be offered for kids birth to 3rd grade only.

Note: Volunteers must have completed the church’s Child Protection Training in order to serve.

Stay & Pray

Location: Prayer Room

We need some committed people to stay behind and do the most important work of all, lifting up our Love Loud teams as they show and share Jesus’ love! You can pray as a group or individually.

Writing Cards & Letters to Missionaries and Local Church Planters

Location: Fellowship Hall

Write an encouraging note to those who serve the Lord locally and around the world. Let them know they are being prayed for.


Visit Home Bound Members

Location: Various

Share the love of Christ with our Home Bound members by spending time encouraging them and praying with them. KidZone will be creating cards ahead of time for you to share as you visit.

Note: A list of names with addresses will be provided in the Fellowship Hall.

Fire Department Treats

Location: Seven local fire stations

Help show our appreciation to those who serve and protect our community by baking desserts, cookies, treats, etc. ahead of time and bringing them to the Fellowship Hall by 9:15AM Sunday, March 26. You can also serve by helping to deliver the treats to the fire stations. KidZone will be creating cards ahead of time for you to share as you visit.

Note: There are two sign up sheets for this project. One is for baking treats and the other is for assembling and delivering the treats.

Clean Up at Claire Weeks/Terra Del Sol Park

Location: 2001 S. Avenida Del Sol, a few blocks south of the church

We’ll be picking up trash, taking care of some unsightly weeds, and performing other clean up as we help improve the look of the park and surrounding neighborhood.

Wheeler Elementary

Location: 1818 S Avenida Del Sol

This project includes freshening up some of the exterior of the school.